Registration Info
for The Builders Show
Looking for discounted rates? Join the Home Builders Association of the Upper Peninsula and get the member rate! Sign up online at
BUILDERS SHOW EXHIBITOR CRITERIA: Exhibitors must be a construction-related business. Retail companies must bring construction/building/home-related products. If you are unsure whether your business qualifies, contact the show coordinators.
BOOTH SIZES AND DESIGN: See the registration form for booth sizes, as they vary. Blue enclosure drapes and 110 electric power are included in the booth fee. Back drape panels are 8’ high and side panels are 3’ high. Exhibitors may construct their own walls, but they must not block the view of adjoining vendors.
PAPERWORK REQUIRED: After completing the registration form and supplying the required documents, exhibitors will be mailed or emailed a contract packet which includes their assigned booth number, optional items list, and other important information which needs to be returned in order to complete the registration.
COMPANY LISTING W/LINK ON WEBSITE: Exhibitors will be listed on the NEW website with a link to their website, email address or social media page.
BOOTH AWARDS: There are four Top Booth Awards: Single, Double, Multiple & New Vendor. From those winners, a Best of Show will be awarded who will receive a free single booth in next year’s show. All Top Booths will have an opportunity to speak with the press about their business and award-winning booth and will be featured on the Builders Show Booth Awards website page and in social media. Each will receive a plaque to display in their booth all weekend and at their place of business after the show. Start planning early to win! Watch for upcoming information about how to design your booth for maximum results. See the website for past winners!
RAFFLES: Free raffles and giveaways are encouraged. No cash raffles will be allowed during the show including any games, 50/50 drawings, or selling tickets for non-profits other than those invited by the Builders Show Committee. A non-profit exhibitor may accept donations with no ticket/raffle involved.
SPECIAL HOTEL RATES FOR EXHIBITORS: Check for the complete list, including hotel amenities and rates. The list will also be provided to exhibitors after registration. COMING SOON